Assistant Professor
Department of Economics | |
University of Toronto | |
E-mail: | |
Address: | Max Gluskin House, 150 St. George Street |
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G7 | |
Canada | |
Phone: | +1 416 275 9870 |
Research Interests: Household Finance, Empirical Macroeconomics, Labor Economics
Risk Aversion and Religion with Charles Noussair, Stefan Trautmann, and Gijs van de Kuilen Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, October 2013, vol. 47(2) pp. 165-183.
working paperslides
Explaining Intra-Monthly Consumption Patterns: The Timing of Income or the Timing of Consumption Commitments? SAFE working paper no. 237, R&R at the Journal of Monetary Economics.
Inflation Expectations and Choices of Households with Mirko Wiederholt, SAFE working paper no. 250, R&R at the Journal of Monetary Economics.
Technological Change and the Finance Wage Premium with Ata Can Bertay, Jose Gabo Carreno, Harry Huizinga and Burak Uras. UofT Economics Working Paper 738, submitted at the Review of Corporate Finance Studies.
Job Loss Expectations, Durable Consumption and Household Finances: Evidence from Linked Survey Data with Yuri Pettinicchi, SAFE working paper no. 249.
Rigid Wages and Contracts: Time- versus State-Dependent Wages in the Netherlands with Anderson Olarte Grajales and Burak Uras, SAFE working paper no. 258.
The Impact of Long-Run Macroeconomic Experiences on Personality
Framing Effects in an Employee Savings Scheme: A Non-Parametric Analysis with Peter Kooreman, Bertrand Melenberg and Henriette Prast.
Goal Setting and Gym Attendance: A Field Experiment with Peter Kooreman and Henriette Prast.